Dear Parents,

  Dr. Silly® has visited the wonder-filled
 Toy Fair in New York – WHAT A BLAST !!!!!!!!!!
 There are thousands of toy manufacturers there,
 Each competing for the attention of toy buyers.
 Everybody is in a "silly mood" – especially yours Truly.

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I spend the week, talking with vendors about their
Toys . I always look for new toys and play products
That are family friendly. Toys that can include lots of
Family members, are inexpensive and durable- and
that are lots of silly fun, receive the Dr. Silly’s Family
Friendly Toy Award ® , like these Hackers Tubes.
A simple, extremely durable, music maker that even
a toddler can use! I liked them; your family will too.

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For more tips on Family-Friendly Toys, just jump
on our site. Remember, "People who play together
grow together, " so take a tip from Dr. Silly® and
start having more silly fun in your family.

See ya real soon!!!!!!!

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