Meet Dr. Silly
Dr Silly Projects
Tower Farm
Press Releases
 Romanian Service Initiative

For the past five years, Dr. Silly has brought training and supplies to a group of dedicated teachers, counselors and psychologists. These professionals have organized themselves into an organization called, ProEducationne. Their aim is to gather educational material, provide training , disseminate resources, support parents, and develop community initiatives in the area of Special Education. Marianne Engle is the guiding and inspirational force behind these hard-working professionals. Who, because of the social and economic difficulties that followed the l986 Revolution, have learned how to teach practically out of thin air. The lack of material and education infrastructure is country wide; consequently, creative adoption is the rule of thumb in the day-to-day struggle to make do and to make ends meet.
Dr. Silly presented a two-week training and support program that was organized by the area Education Center, where the training took place. This years educational topic was “Inclusion” or more concretely, “ how to give each child an equal chance .”
The twenty participants learned about how various American schools were developing this concept in their pre-school programs. Lectures and videos of actual schools and teachers were used as part of the learning material provided.
Dr.Silly table top education tools also were part of the training program; for example, teachers were given  their own supply of materials for the course and for their classrooms and then were helped to develop teaching episodes using these materials.



Some teachers created learning programs about learning basic health information, learning to adjust to a new adoptive home, improving personal and family relationships, almost any useful topic was appropriate for this simple, theatrically based instructional technique.

Dr. Silly also helped out in the after school program for handicapped children. These kids had no place for any education until Marianne Engle and her colleagues created it for them, again out
 of thin air and some small financial beginnings.

And, like all training programs, there was a celebration and joyful plans made for the next collaboration.