Dr. Silly® was the
transformation of Dr. A.J.Palumbo, Phd. After years of university teaching and social work
with delinquent kids, many years living abroad, and many other personal experiences,
Palumbo ended up in Europe, at the French puppet academy, Le Institute de la Marrionette,
where these photos were taken.
Silly studied with Peter Schuman and his troup, both in the USA and Paris. In fact the
Funny Farm Center that Dr. Silly created is only a few kilometers from Schuman's Vermont
farm, where Silly spent Summers as a volunteer puppeteer helping with the Bread and
Puppets pagent.
Learning the Indonesian style of shadow puppets from the very talented Sumandi of Bali,
inspired creating the adapted shadow puppets for handicapped children; these "handi-puppets"
were used by teachers to prompt children to create, play and increase communication
Dr. Silly toured with puppet companies, even as far as Madagascar! The troupe pictured
came from French Reunion Island. The American shadow puppet projects were in long-term
care facilities, schools, libraries and children's hospitals.