Dear Friends,
Thank you for your kind interest in the work of Dr Silly ® . We are all dedicated to the
support and nurturance of children and their families ,and so we share our place in the human community.For my part, I work to improve the way all our children are cared for,those in families,
those in institutions,and those who must endure uncommon lives in dangerous and
unhealthy settings.I add my share or care by creating more opportunities for the to
play. Yes the offen overlooked,simple pleasure of play is the mirror of an appropriate
I believe that "People who Play Together,Grow Together"®, in love, in
harmony , and in overall satisfactory . We must stand against the disappearance of
childhood that substitutes satisfaction for self satisfaction; a world that subordinates
children to fads and amusment s, will surely not endureTogether we can clearly voice our protest and protection of our children. We can
provide them with opportunities to explore their natures and develop their character.
We must give them our goodness, not just the goods of the world. We must share our
lives with them so thay willshare their hearts with us, their caretakers.Dr. Silly® is a point of view as much as a character, a player and parent to children.
He is a reminder of our obligation to joyously and completely care for our young.
When we take time to play with our children, we make an investment in unborn hearts;
we take a care to help them be compassionate, caring-even steadfast.
I am pleased to welcome you to this struggle to protect all children from abuse that
stems from overlooking their need to play and grow in safe surroundings. After all,
who are we but they.
I know you will join me in helping our children become comrades in our arms. We
deserve no less of a future.
With love and care,
Dr. Silly®
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